Saint Homobonus Patron Saint of Business

Today is the Feast Day of Saint Homobonus, Patron of Business.

Saint Homobonus had some aliases. He is also known by the names:

  • Homobonius
  • Homobonus Tucingo
  • Omobono
  • Omobono Tucenghi – his name at birth
  • Uomobuono

His name is pronounced oh-mow-bow-noose. The letter H is silent in Latin. Mow as  in mow the yard, bow as in bow-tie! 

He was born in Cremona, Italy in the 12th century. Cremona is about 60 miles SE of Milan. Saint Homobonus (pronouned Oma’bonus) which is derived from the Latin homo bonus (“good man”). He was a merchant and a married layman who believed that God had allowed him to work in order that he would be able to support people living in a state of poverty. 

He understood the calling to live an integrated life – integrating his divine calling to love God and neighbor with his  business that supported his family and also which contributed to the common good of the local community. 

His head is preserved in St Giles in Cremona, Italy while his his body is preserved in the Cathedral of Cremona

Prayer to St. Homobonus – 
Beloved and charitable St. Homobonus your honesty and good will served your community and the Lord well. Help me follow your example and not give in to temptations of greed and easy shortcuts that wound others. I ask for guidance in my work, so that I may prosper by choosing virtue over avarice.

Saint Homobonus - Patron Saint of Business Owners

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