The number three on a post

Three Signs of a Communist / Tyrannical Country

I am attending a three evening in-person workshop by Father Chad Ripperger on the nature of spiritual warfare – the battleground, the nature of the enemy and how to defend against attacks by the enemy. The discourse on the demonic has been both fascinating and sobering. 

I teach the concept of situational awareness to the Attollo members. Situational awareness is the use of the senses to scan the environment with the purpose of identifying immediate or future threats. As a Catholic this means scanning both the spiritual environment and also how the spiritual realm manifests in the temporal world. Before situational awareness can be effective a person needs to know the signs of danger. Since the entire talk is about spiritual warfare, to be forewarned is forearmed. 

Speaking of signs, at one point during the first night, Father Ripperger listed the three signs of a communist country. He said that the mindset of the demons – the entire hierarchy of all demons in fact – is aligned with the mindset of communists and that is to enslave people who have been freed by God through Christ. I suppose that’s the reason why the country of Russia was called out specifically by name by Our Lady in Fatima. She came to Lucia a number of times repeating her request for the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. 

Demons essentially do four things. They deceive, divide, divert and discourage. – Fr. Louis Cameli

The mindset of the demons - the entire hierarchy of all demons in fact - is aligned with the mindset of communists.

Three Signs of a Communist Country


Feel free to replace the word “communist” with “tyrannical”, “oppressive”  or “controlling”. It’s the opposite of democratic doctrine or practice or ideals. Communism enslaves its citizens. What do demons do? They enslave us. 

The slide of individuals and whole societies to tyranny is because you and I, soldiers of Christ, the Church Militant, are  weakened by the wounds of original sin. The four wounds are: 

  1. The darkening of the intellect –  our sin makes us dumber, while grace from God enlightens the intellect. Example: We reject natural law, common sense, and reason and thus reject Catholic social teaching such as subsidiarity (small govt) and the dignity of all human beings (abortion and euthanasia). Catholic social teaching is based on natural law and reason.
  2. Our weak wills – we are inclined to choose the lesser good versus the greater good. 
  3. Our irascible appetite – we are driven by emotions instead of our intellect and reason. Hope, despair, courage, fear, and anger drive our decisions. 
  4. Our concupiscence – we are also driven by improper or illicit desire; our sensual appetite for sex, money, power; especially by lustful desire or feelings which reduce others to mere objects to use. 
A Call to Action

Tonight, the last night of the talks, Father Ripperger will outline concrete action steps that the faithful and all people of good will can use to combat the demonic, the spiritual war that we were born into. 

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Videos of Father Ripperger at Sensus Fidelium : 

Demons essentially do four things. They deceive, divide, divert and discourage. – Fr. Louis Cameli

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