Today's Noel

The Irony of the Modern Day Nativity Scene in Bethlehem

Peaceful Noel
Today's Noel
Today’s Noel

Just two months ago I was at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The irony was that my experience there was just like that of a typical shopping mall the day before Christmas with huge lines, people cutting in and pushing their way forward to get there “first”. It was not a peaceful place and nothing like the scene I imagined the day that Christ was born. All the holy sites in Israel are like that to some degree so I should not have been surprised by the lack of silence and peace which was a jolt to my expectations based on all the Christmas carols about this holy place I have heard all my life.

My prayer (of patience) that day while waiting in line was that all the pilgrims from around the world, which included myself, could take and keep that level of excitement and enthusiasm experienced that day, to see the actual birthplace of our Lord, with us all year long when we got back to our home countries.

Church of the Nativity Under Renovation + Lines
Church of the Nativity Under Renovation + Lines

The hustle and bustle of the Christmas holidays can be stressful to many and can easily overshadow the peace and holiness of this time of year. My prayer for you this Christmas is that it will be restful, relaxing, joyous and will inspire you to greater holiness. “God’s will for us is to be holy.” 1 Thessalonians 4:3

It’s a long journey (and a lot of work) to be a passionately committed Christian with selfless service to God and others while also working hard to grow a successful business. I also pray that you always see your hard-won business success as a mere by-product of living a life of that service to God and selflessness for the sake of others.

That is the vocation God gave you as a business leader fully lived.

Merry Christmas!  – Paul

P.S. – The visit to the Church of the Nativity, despite the lines, was well worth the memory of kneeling at the birthplace of our Lord. It’s what I recall when I think of waking on Christmas morning.

The Birthplace of Christ - Worth the Wait!
The Birthplace of Christ – Worth the Wait!

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