“Be Kind” – I see those words on t-shirts, on wrist bands, on bumper stickers, on chalkboards at restaurants, and in commercials. Maybe it’s “Be Kind” or as single word “Kindness”. The intent of this current age credo is genuine. Isn’t it intriguing however that to implore others to be kind to others actually needs to be put into words through advertising? It’s like our society needs to be reminded that we should be kind to one another…
When someone wears a t-shirt or a wrist band or when they put a bumper sticker on their car that says “Be Kind” or something to that effect, we should assume that this kindness that the wearer wishes to extend to others is not conditional. Yet, in many cases, it is very conditional. It’s also subjective to both the kindness wisher and the kindness receiver.

There are conditions such as: (fill in the blank)
I’ll be kind to another person if and only if they believe in ____________________________
I’ll be kind to another person if and only if they don’t: _______________________________
I’ll be kind to another person if and only if: _______________________________
Kindness might be a good first start in re-creating basic, veneer civility toward others (I’m thinking of the politicians inside the beltway in Washington DC) but it is an impoverished goal without unconditional love for all others. That will require that we see God as our father and that all others in the world are his children, and our brothers and sisters. You see, without a loving God who calls us to live like Christ, there’s really no human desire or even a need to love others unconditionally let alone act with any level of kindness toward others.