If Attollo isn’t quite right for you or the organization you lead, perhaps one of these other Catholic business leadership development organizations can assist you!
Why is Attollo promoting “like” organizations on its website?
The answer can be found in the book “From Christendom to Apostolic Mission” from University of Mary Press. It can also be found in the book “The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America” by David Carlin. It can also be found in the book “Under Siege” by Austin Ruse. The answer can also be found in “Rescued” by Father John Ricardo. It can also be found in many books by Archbishop Chaput such as “Things Worth Dying For“, “Stranger in a Strange Land” and “A Heart on Fire” among others.
These books do a great job of describing where we were as a Christian society (Christendom), the current landscape in which we live (Secular Humanism) and most importantly, the grim future landscape if we do nothing but read these books and put them back on the bookshelf.
The answer is that we need to stop acting like other “like” organizations run by your brothers and sister in Christ are the competition. We need to change from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset and to help each other succeed in any way possible. If we don’t, I use the analogy that we (Catholics) are passengers on a cruise ship arguing over and arranging the lounge chairs on deck as the ship is heading dead on into an gigantic iceberg. That iceberg is called societal change and we’re on a collision course at lightening speed. It’s change that doesn’t include God but does include increasing and open hostility to all of us.
We are deep in apostolic times. Christendom is long dead and we have no sense of urgency and no tribe to go to for support. We need to adjust our strategy to continue the great commission: To bring the Gospel of Christ to the World.
That’s the reason why Attollo is promoting like organizations. Let’s tribe!!
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