The Big List of Catholic Leadership Organizations

Catholic business leadership

If Attollo isn’t quite right for you or the organization you lead, perhaps one of these other Catholic business leadership development organizations can assist you! 

Logo of Catholic Leadership Institute - Catholic business leadership

Catholic leadership Institute

Equipping leaders.
Igniting hope.

We provide bishops, priests, religious, deacons, and lay persons in the Roman Catholic Church with world-class, pastoral leadership formation and consulting services
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Catholic Men's Business Fraternity

Called to be Heroes

We enhance the spiritual, human, intellectual, and leadership formation of business leaders for the integration of the wisdom and truth of the Catholic faith into work and daily life.
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Catholic business leadership

Catholic Women in Business

Redefining the modern workplace for women.

We provide Catholic women business owners, professionals, and leaders with the educational and spiritual resources they need to excel in their vocation to business.
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His way at work

His Way At Work

Run Your Business In Line With Your Faith

As a business owner, you honor God by caring for your co-workers and employees. Christ says, “You shall love the Lord your God, and your neighbor as yourself.”
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Ignation Business Chapters

Ignatian Business Chapters

Balancing Faith-Based Values and Your Life's Work.

Each Ignatian Business Chapter is a forum of trust in which professionals can reframe business as a vocation compatible with faithful living.
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Logo of Legatus - Catholic business leadership


Ambassadors for Christ in the Marketplace.

We offer business leaders unique opportunities to deepen their Catholic faith, enjoy fellowship with other Catholic business leaders, and increase their impact on the world.
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Logo of the Lumen Institute - Catholic business leadership

Lumen Institute

Enlightening Leaders Pursuing Excellence Influencing Culture

We form Christian leaders illuminating society with the light of Christ.
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Logo of Nos Lumine - Catholic business leadership

Nos Lumine

Your Catholic Business Leadership Network.

We serve Catholic business leaders who struggle with a sense of a life divided, with work, family and faith out of sync.
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Logo of Sent Ventures - Catholic business leadership


Fueling a Dynamic, Entrepreneurial Catholic Church.

We help Him equip Entrepreneurs of the Spirit so they can transform the Church and the world through their business ventures.
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Logo of Tepeyac Catholic business leadership

Tepeyac Leadership Initiative

We deliver civic leadership training to lay Catholic professionals.

We provide a 5-month leadership program to develop Catholic professionals to advance the mission of the Church and serve the common good.
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Logo of Truth Seekers Catholic business leadership

Truth Seakers

Define Your Potential.

We provide a Guide to Leading Yourself and Others, with the Right Action to Create Positive, Measurable Results.
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Logo of the VirtuousCatholic business leadership

Viruous leadership Institute

Igniting Hearts for Greatness.

Our mission is to ignite hearts for greatness and raise up a new generation of Virtuous Leaders empowered to transform Life – business, family and culture.
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The Big List of Christian Leadership Organizations

Christian business leadership

Christian Business Leadership


Acumen ignites a higher standard of CEO influence and business impact.

An exclusive community of CEO/Owners to help you grow your top line, optimize your bottom line, and enrich your storyline.
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Christian Business Leadership


To change the world by advancing the Gospel in the marketplace.

We equip Christian CEOs and owners to build great businesses for a greater purpose.
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Christian Business Leadership


Transforming lives and businesses globally for God’s glory

To connect, equip and inspire Christian CEOs and business owners to grow exceptional businesses and become higher-impact leaders to honor God
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Christian Business Leadership

Truth at Work

To see Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered leaders living with an eternal perspective.

We exist to transform Christian business leaders through authentic peer advisory groups that apply biblical truth for living out our faith in all areas of life..
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So, You Might Be Wondering....

Why is Attollo promoting “like” organizations on its website? 

The answer can be found in the book “From Christendom to Apostolic Mission” from University of Mary Press. It can also be found in the book “The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America” by David Carlin. It can also be found in the book “Under Siege” by Austin Ruse. The answer can also be found in “Rescued” by Father John Ricardo. It can also be found in many books by Archbishop Chaput such as “Things Worth Dying For“, “Stranger in a Strange Land” and “A Heart on Fire” among others. 

These books do a great job of describing where we were as a Christian society (Christendom), the current landscape in which we live (Secular Humanism) and most importantly, the grim future landscape if we do nothing but read these books and put them back on the bookshelf. 

The answer is that we need to stop acting like other “like” organizations run by your brothers and sister in Christ are the competition. We need to change from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset and to help each other succeed in any way possible. If we don’t, I use the analogy that we (Catholics) are passengers on a cruise ship arguing over and arranging the lounge chairs on deck as the ship is heading dead on into an gigantic iceberg. That iceberg is called societal change and we’re on a collision course at lightening speed. It’s change that doesn’t include God but does include increasing and open hostility to all of us. 

We are deep in apostolic times. Christendom is long dead and we have no sense of urgency and no tribe to go to for support. We need to adjust our strategy to continue the great commission: To bring the Gospel of Christ to the World. 

That’s the reason why Attollo is promoting like organizations. Let’s tribe!!