
Tech Tuesday – Great stuff for the busy executive. PureText 3.0

So what do 1970’s rockers do for fun these days? Steve Miller apparently likes to write code between cities on the tour bus. Wait, the coder is Steve P. Miller, the rocker is Steve H. Miller. One churned out some great mid-1970s hit singles like  “Jet Airliner”,  “Jungle Love” and “Abracadabra” while the other churned out free utilities such as “Dependency Walker”, “WinSock Relay”, “Pocket Dial”, and “PureText” all of which would have made 80’s song titles. Didn’t Devo write and perform WinSock Relay? Anyway I digress!

Tech Tuesday  – So, here’s what’s great about PureText, a personal or professional productivity tool you can use to clean that nasty code build-up off your text. Read time <1 minute.

Aren’t there some days you just have a hankering for some clean text? Text like it was back in the DOS days. Know what I mean? No font styles, color or font sizes etc etc.

This might be getting a little nerdy, (a little?? you think? ) but I use this little app a lot more often than I every thought I would. PureText strips away all the formatting from text you may copy from a website or from various applications.  It techo-magically gets rid of stubborn font face, font styles (bold, italics, etc.), font colors, paragraph styles (left/right/center aligned), margins, character spacing, bullets, subscript, superscript, tables, charts, pictures, embedded objects, etc.

All you want and all you get is Nice – Clean – Text.

Instead of copying and pasting this text – copied from a CNN headline..

Candidates soon will find out who’s in at first GOP debate

One click of PureText and you get this:

Waiting for the cut
Candidates soon will find out who’s in at first GOP debate

How do you use it Pure text?

1. Download it here. Then fire it up.
2. An icon “PT” will appear in the System Tray (next to your clock in the lower right corner.)PureText 2
3. Copy some text from anywhere and then simply put your cursor over the icon in the system tray (see screenshot) and left click.
4. The text that you have copied and is sitting in your clip board is now cleaned of all source formatting and is ready to be pasted anywhere you need it.

Yes, you can always use the “Paste” then “Text Only” option in many applications or paste your copied text into Notepad (found under All Programs / Accessories), which also cleans the text from source formatting – but PureText is so dang easy, why would you want to go through the hassle of navigating your way there. Copy, and then find NotePad, paste, copy again, paste – it’s exhausting!

To check out Steve H Miller’s Band official page and concert tour info. Click here. You will be taken there Abracadabra.

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