The Spirituality of Attollo

Stained Glass at the JPII Center Chapel in Omaha

The spirituality of Attollo is, in essence, the spirituality of work that has its roots deep in the following of Christ according to the teachings of the Gospel and the action of the Holy Spirit. Attollo’s principal point of reference are the solemn documents of the Magisterium of the Church and the teaching, works and example of specific popes, saints and doctors of the Church that addressed the laity living an integrated life of faith and business.

Elements of the Spirituality of Work

Duc In Altum or Into the Deep. Attollo takes its members into the deepness of their heart, their faith, their character, their leadership and business skill sets in order to achieve the excellence in their vocation that God expects of them. Work imitates God’s creative activity and gives dignity to workers. God worked, His son Jesus was a person of work as was St. Joseph. The vocation of work allows individuals to fulfill their Universal Vocation (to know, love and serve God) and their Primary Vocation (to offer themselves as a gift to another). Work is necessary for earthly progress and the development of the Kingdom.

The Sources of Our Spirituality

The principal documents of our spirituality are the Holy Bible, the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church and The Vocation of the Business Leader both published by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the Encyclicals and Apostolic Exhortations from Pope Leo XIII to Pope Francis, all of which help direct the lives and actions of Catholic business leaders around the world.

Our Relationship to Business Leaders Worldwide

Attollo requires a dedication of the business owner or leader to a striving toward perfection, to sanctity. A perfection of self through reflection and development, a perfection of the business they run and a perfection in their relationship with God and their family. Christ calls the faithful to the perfection of holiness. This striving leads to a sanctification (holiness) not just of themselves, but also their business which is a community of persons (their employees, clients vendors and community at large). The vocation of the members of Attollo as part of the laity consists in seeking the Kingdom of God by engaging in temporal (worldly, secular) affairs and directing them according to God’s will.

The Patron Saint of Business Leaders

The Patron Saint of Attollo and of all business leaders is St. Homobonus (Feast Day Nov 13)

Saint Homobonus - Patron Saint of Business Owners
St. Homobonus - Pray For Us!