Pushy Salesman

Satan must have watched the movie “Glengarry Glen Ross” as he uses the ABC approach to sales. ABC is an old acronym used in sales which still works very well for Satan. ABC means Always Be Closing. Satan also uses its sales cousin – AIDA – Attention Interest Decision, Action. There’s one important quote from the movie which is “There’s only one thing that matters in this life and that is to get them to sign on the line which is dotted.” Satan is a master salesman, and we’re all in his store looking around.

Worth repeating from a Catholic perspective – “There’s only one thing that matters in this life to Satan and that is to get us to sign on the line which is dotted and to give him our souls.”

There’s not a single moment of any day that he’s not trying to close us, to seal the deal. Grocery store, driving to work, the middle of consecration at Mass, middle of the night, at sunrise, even during our prayer time. He’s constantly trying to divert our attention from holiness, entice us, interest us in the things of the world, make us decide that there’s a better path to take in life – certainly more fun and a lot easier and finally to take action, to sin. That’s Satan’s AIDA – we’re being played by the best.

Satan has an amazing sense of urgency. Do you have a sense of urgency to do God’s will? To achieve sanctity? Lent is the perfect time to work on your sense of urgency to work on your holiness, your sanctity.

“The worst thing to say is – I know well that I’m not what I should be; I wouldn’t want to die in my present state, but I’ll try to reform my life later on…. We imagine that later our conversion will be easier, while on the contrary, our procrastination makes it even harder by weakening grace, strengthening habits, hardening our heart..” – Blessed Clelia Merloni

The inspiration for you to work on your sense of holy urgency should be, of course, that Satan’s always out there trying to close the deal.

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