burial shelf

Easter Sunday’s gospel reading was an interesting one. All three characters in John’s account, of the morning of the resurrection, were running. Mary of Magdala ran to Peter when she discovered Christ’s tomb was empty. Then John and Peter ran to the tomb after Mary of Magdala explained what she saw there. Yes, yes, John we know you outran Peter! (John 20:4, John 20:6 and John 20:8)

One of the things we get from this account is that even though John ran faster than Peter to get to the tomb he deferred to Peter, as the leader of the disciples, who then entered the tomb first.

Our worldly suffering is very patient and it will find each and every one of us eventually. When it does find us do we run to the world for the wisdom to help us with what we think will solve our problems and alleviate our suffering? The world certainly offers a lot of diversions to keep us from experiencing our pain and suffering but offers no real long term solutions. Or do we run like Mary of Magdala to Peter – to the Church – for the wisdom she possesses to help us on our path to sanctity?

Burial shelf of Christ in the innermost chamber of the Edicule / Aedicule. Church of the Holy Sepulcher – Jerusalem.

Happy Easter! Christ Is Risen

Psalm 118:24 – This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.  

We are an Easter people. Anytime you go to Mass, it’s Easter Day.

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