Dry Leaf Falling On Floor With Morning Spreading Through Pole

A truly miserable life is one that serves no purpose, one that is cut off and tossed about with every wind

“Now, this is precisely the essence of a vocation: 

…it makes a person realize the necessity of their existence, that is, discover that he is necessary to others, and answers a vital need. A truly miserable life is one that serves no purpose, which feels cut off, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind, as St. Paul said. It is superficial with the horrible superficiality of one who is not carried along to his proper place (the place where God wants him) by the force of love.

True happiness of life, on the other hand, consists in having found one’s rightful place, the place that God wants, no matter what that place might be. “

– – Cardinal Jean-Guenolé-Marie Daniélou +1974 Jesuit Priest, theologian, historian and member of the Academie Francaise. 

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