What if – in the parable of the prodigal son – the son, instead of returning home broken and starving, never returned after he left home having received from his father the share of property that was due him? What if the reason the son didn’t return was due to the fact that his newly adopted home provided everything he ever desired or had even dreamed of? Better yet, what if he actually flourished there because his “loose living” lifestyle was embraced and supported by the citizens of his new nation. Why would he leave nirvana?
What Would The Father Do?
What would the waiting father do as he prayed, waiting, searching the horizon for his son as he aged and saw no sign of his son returning?
- Would he continue to wait and pray for his son’s return?
- Would he leave his ancestral home and go in search of his son to bring him back or
- Would he, after eventually finding his son and knowing that his son would never return back home, decide to stay and adopt the customs of this new land in order to be with the son that he loved so dearly?