If you have no more than 3 seconds today then cutting to the chase – just follow this – “Love what God loves, hate what he hates.”
If you have 1 minute then read the rest from St. Catherine of Siena. She was on a tear… don’t let her call you stupid!!
“Oh boundless love, charity! You are indeed opposed to the world! The world seeks glory, honor, pleasure, pride, freedom from suffering, avarice (extreme greed for wealth or material gain), hatred, resentment, and such small-hearted self-centeredness that there is no room for others for God’s sake.
Oh how deluded they are, these stupid people who are conformed with this evil world! Though they seek honors they are disgraced; in pursuit of riches they are poor, because they are not looking for genuine wealth; wanting happiness and pleasure they find sadness and bitterness, because they lose God, who is supreme happiness. They want neither bitterness nor death, but fall into both. They want firmness and stability, yet wander far from the living rock.
So you see … how great is the opposition between Christ and the world. This is why God’s true servants, realizing that the world has nothing in common with Christ, try conscientiously to avoid any conformity with the world. So they use all their hatred and scorn to become lovers of what God loves, and haters of what he hates.
They have no other wish than to be conformed with Christ crucified, ever following in his steps, ablaze with love for true virtue. Whatever they see Christ choosing for himself they want for themselves-but they receive just the opposite! For they choose poverty and lowliness but are ever honored. They enjoy peace, pleasure, and joy, happiness and every consolation, free from all sadness.”