Most frequent questions and answers

You get a Catholic business community that is committed to your success. If you are like most business leaders, you feel in your heart that you can always do better. Attollo provides the environment for that to happen. You will have a board of advisors to bounce ideas of off, to discuss specific, relevant issues in your business and to help you focus by holding you accountable to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

It’s a two way street. You will work with your peers to provide assistance in making their businesses stronger and they will work with you to help your business become stronger.

We are all busy but many people mistake the hundreds of day-to-day activities for productive action that will lead to growth and achievement of lifetime goals. Are you giving your business the time and attention that is required so it can mature to a point that it can work without you, not work because of you being there in mind or body 24/7? 

What are you willing to give up to significantly improve your business? Your investment in time to work on your business and not just in it everyday will greatly improve your bottom line and give you the foundation and traction needed for true growth.

According to The Vocation of the Business Leader – “The most significant obstacle for a business leader to serve the common good on a personal level is leading a divided life. This split between faith and daily business practice can lead to imbalances and misplaced devotion to worldly success. The alternative path of faith-based “servant leadership” provides business leaders with a larger perspective and helps them to balance the demands of the business world with those of ethical social principles, illumined for Christians by the Gospel.” 

The opposite of living a divided life is living a full authentic life, a life where live your faith 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We should all be working toward sainthood and that means we need continual catechesis.  We all have room to grow in faith and then have opportunities to practice at home, at work and in community. 

It’s healthy to be somewhat skeptical. We can appreciate and understand that. There are a number of factors that will decide your success in this program namely your commitment to continuous learning, your drive to succeed, making the time for it and doing your homework and, of course, planning and then actually working on your business. However, we also realize that a peer advisory group just might not be a good fit so for that reason we offer a money back guarantee. 

Great point. All members sign a membership agreement which includes the requirement of confidentiality of what’s talked about during the meeting. What’s discussed at an Attollo group stays there. Your peer group will not include your competitors. We deal with this a few ways: first we review potential members for placement in groups where there are no business conflicts among them and secondly group members have the ability to vet potential members based on perceived conflicts when their request to join is reviewed.

You certainly won’t be pushing your faith on anyone. The principles of Catholic social teaching you will learn are based on reason and natural law and is meant for the benefit and flourishing of all of humanity. Catholic social teaching helps leaders create an environment in which all employees can live, flourish and create prosperity as God intended. This framework then should be attractive and make sense to everyone in your organization regardless of their faith or lack of it.

The hope is that you, made in the image and likeness of God (Imago Dei), may start pulling people toward Christ by living an authentic life and leading your business virtuously. Your testimony of a life resplendent in faith, hope and charity will make Christ known to others without preaching a single word.

You and your team are knowledgeable about the specific nuances of your industry and likely manage that part of the business well. Typically major issues facing your business are likely shared by your peers across all industries: namely leadership, financials, operations, people, processes, technology, etc. Your Attollo peers will have faced these problems and will have some great ideas as to how to resolve based on their own experiences.

Absolutely. The dues are based on the gross revenues of your business. Attollo is “all inclusive” in that the dues cover food for breakfast, lunch and snacks, materials, room rental and the salary of your facilitator. 

Additionally, charging dues changes the mindset of the Attollo member. Every business leader has to have some “skin in the game”. I have found that pro-bono clients are typically poor clients. They associate “free” with no value and frequently miss meetings, don’t book or cancel coaching sessions and in general they don’t take the work needed to grow a business very seriously. Lastly, they typically refuse to evaluate the mindset that keep them “stuck” in life and business. No one can fix that mindset and you don’t want that type of person on your board of advisors! 


Attollo is a tithing organization. 10% of gross revenues are donated to organizations dedicated to alleviating human suffering – which has many, many forms.

It always starts with a discussion with the founder of Attollo, to ensure that the program is right for you, and you are the right fit for the program and the other members. The next step is to visit a meeting for a full day to get a sense of what happens and what is accomplished. After that, the group discusses whether you are a good fit and will add value and also gain value from being part of Attollo. Then you will be invited to join. Go to the pop-up menu in the lower right corner of the website and book a live 30-minute discovery session. See you then!