We need to continually and intentionally strive to set ourselves apart from other business leaders. The difference in the way we act at work and in society shouldn’t be construed as anything other than what we are commanded to be by God which is to be holy. This call to holiness is certainly a different approach than the majority of your peers in the business world and isn’t meant as a means to show off or to be “holier than thou” but simply to be a mirror or reflection of God’s love to others in the work place.
The single best way to evangelize your employees, your clients, your vendors and all who touch your business is to show them as opposed to telling them what God is like reflected through your actions and your behavior. Your soul should mirror God’s glory, His love for all of us. The cleaner and more whole we can make the mirror the better we can reflect the image of God, and the joy you radiate to others. The best evangelists attract others to God by their radiance. Can people see God in you?

The basic behaviors are outlined in Leviticus – hold no hatred, no desire for revenge, no grudges – love your neighbor. Why act this way? Because God acts this way. God is love and love is willing the good of another. Easier said than done for us – but indeed it’s what is expected of us, to perfect as He is perfect.