The Catholic Business Leader Credo is a set of beliefs and principles that guide Catholic business leaders in their professional and personal lives. It emphasizes the importance of living with integrity, serving others, continuously learning, loving, and understanding the role of profit. The Credo views business as a noble vocation and believes that Catholic business leaders have the potential to change the world. The Credo aims to promote a holistic approach to business that balances financial success with spiritual growth and service to others.
Our actions correspond to our words and do not change based on the context of any situation. We are the same person at work, at home, in the community, or at church.
We are a living example of Christ in the workplace who evangelize others through our leadership.
We work continually on ourselves, mastering our businesses and deepening our spiritual maturity.
We strive to know, love and serve God, and our neighbor.
We know that profit is an indicator of the health of a business, but it is not the only one and that profit can corrupt the one who pursues it as the only aim of the business.
Business is a noble vocation because we are challenged by a greater meaning in life. We share that greater meaning with others.
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