How to Develop and Order An Active and Contemplative Life

The world is focused solely on productivity and efficiency, so it is kind of easy to think that the active life (work) is more important than the contemplative life (prayer). From an economic point of view, leisure is good because it allows us to “sharpen the saw” so that we can continue to be productive. […]
Today is the feast day of Saint Homobonus – Patron Saint of Business Owners

St. Homobonus (Homa’bun-us) is the patron saint of business owners. He was born and also died in the city of Cremona, Italy during the 12th century. He’s portrayed holding a bag of money wearing merchant’s robes. He was canonized less than two years after his death by Pope Innocent III in 1199. Not much is known […]
I Know God’s Will For You. Do you? Here’s a Road Map

God’s will for us is found, not so hidden, in today’s first reading from the Letter of Saint Paul to the 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-8 and it’s this. “This is the will of God, your holiness: that you refrain from immorality…for God did not call us to impurity but to holiness. Therefore, whoever disregards this, […]
The World’s Most Dangerous Prayer

The world’s most dangerous prayer is this.. “Oh God, your servant is listening what is your will for me?” Most people may occasionally want to know what God’s will is for them, or if what they are currently doing in their life is actually what God wants them to be doing, but not too many […]
The Irony of the Modern Day Nativity Scene in Bethlehem

Just two months ago I was at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The irony was that my experience there was just like that of a typical shopping mall the day before Christmas with huge lines, people cutting in and pushing their way forward to get there “first”. It was not a peaceful place […]
What your self-talk reveals

Can a lifestyle without giving God a chance to be in the center of your life lead you and others around you to heaven? If you never rise from purely human activity or external activity to divine activity then you really have to question yourself: “Am I living the ultimate vocation or purpose for which […]
Five Hard Truths That Will Set You Free

I found this great blog posting from Monsignor Charles Pope – Archdiocese of Washington. Msgr. is the pastor of Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian, a vibrant parish community in Washington, DC. I have re-posted his blog post in its entirety below. Some years ago I read an essay by the Franciscan Theologian Richard Rohr. I will say […]
Doing God’s Will – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
Here’s what God wants you to do: Rejoice always Pray without ceasing In all circumstances give thanks Don’t despise prophetic utterances Test everything; retain what is good Refrain from every kind of evil. St. Paul to the Thessalonians 5: 16-24