Your vocation is to build a beautiful life, a life of wholeness and integrity

Sounds good doesn’t it? Your calling as a business owner is to build, then live a beautiful life, a life of wholeness and integrity. Most people go through life wondering what God is calling them to, so you are now way ahead of the game! On March 19th, I hosted a business leader breakfast in […]
Monsignor James Shea, President of University of Mary to speak at Attollo Event in Denver

Monsignor James Shea, president of University of Mary, Bismarck, ND will speak on the paper “Vocation of the Business Leader”, a document published by the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace in 2012 during a business leader breakfast organized by Attollo on March 19th. Monsignor will explain how we currently view work and leisure and […]
Enjoy the perturbation inside the crucible !

Crucible – noun ˈkrü-sə-bəl : is a place or situation in which different elements interact to produce something new. a difficult test or challenge. a place or situation that forces people to change or make difficult decisions. Attollo is a crucible for business leaders. It combines three elements; personal development, professional development and faith development […]
If God called you at work..
If God called you at work…would you pick up the phone or let it go to voice mail?
Rome, we have lift-off, lift-off on Attollo 1. We have pilot launch!

What a momentous day yesterday for Attollo. The pilot launch occurred within the walls of the Augustine Institute, here in Colorado. The leaders of A.I. were gracious enough to provide the meeting room space for us, on the Feast Day of St. Augustine. Ten business owners spent a full day, very precious time, testing out […]
The use of created things to help us pursue our universal vocation

Living a divided life can lead to imbalances and misplaced devotion to worldy success. “The human person is created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord, and by doing so to save his or her soul. The other things on the face of the earth are created for human beings in order to help […]
We are in the world – in the midst of this storm

“We are in the world now as Christs; in the midst of this storm. We are here to keep Christianity alive, to keep Christianity pure, intact, to ensure by our own lives in Christ that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Christendom. This cannot be done if there is the least compromise with […]