The Three Levels of Vocation of the Catholic Business Leader

There are three levels of vocation of the Catholic business leader. Vocation means what God made you to do while on the earth. Your vocation answers the questions “Why am I alive?”. Saint John Paul II believed that only when you are living out your vocation can you find fulfillment in this life. #1: The […]
Saint Joseph the Business Owner

There are a number of theories about the work life of Saint Joseph. Most often we associate him with carpentry due to Matthew 13:53 and Mark 6:3 “Is not this the carpenter’s son?” The Greek word is “Teckton” which means builder. So some have concluded he was more of a hands on general contractor, a […]
The Refusal of One’s Own Greatness

This is a 2 minute read. “One of the daughters of acedia, according to St. Thomas, is pusillanimity (having a very small spirit or being mediocre at best). It is the vice contrary to (the virtue of) magnanimity, that is, generousness of soul (being conscious of the potential for greatness). It is the inability to believe […]
The Search for Meaning

One of the most impactful sentences in the very moving book “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl was about hope for the future. He wrote that “The prisoner who had lost faith in the future – his future – was doomed. With his loss of belief in the future, he also lost his spiritual […]
The World’s Most Dangerous Prayer

The world’s most dangerous prayer is this.. “Oh God, your servant is listening what is your will for me?” Most people may occasionally want to know what God’s will is for them, or if what they are currently doing in their life is actually what God wants them to be doing, but not too many […]
The Blizzard of the World

“The blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and it has overturned the order of the soul.” – Leonard Cohen. Exchange the word “blizzard” for the constant noise that invades us or the noise we allow in throughout the day and the confusion and unrest that is created by social media. The order of […]
The Irony of the Modern Day Nativity Scene in Bethlehem

Just two months ago I was at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The irony was that my experience there was just like that of a typical shopping mall the day before Christmas with huge lines, people cutting in and pushing their way forward to get there “first”. It was not a peaceful place […]
A truly miserable life is one that serves no purpose, one that is cut off and tossed about with every wind

“Now, this is precisely the essence of a vocation: …it makes a person realize the necessity of their existence, that is, discover that he is necessary to others, and answers a vital need. A truly miserable life is one that serves no purpose, which feels cut off, tossed to and fro and carried about with […]
Work Courageously- A way to approach our days of labor
Courageously begin your work, always trying to discern your true task and the most amount of good that you can do, telling yourself that, whatever your vocation may be, there are always people suffering in mind or body to be cared for, tempers to be calmed, and hearts to be healed… During this active phase […]
What your self-talk reveals

Can a lifestyle without giving God a chance to be in the center of your life lead you and others around you to heaven? If you never rise from purely human activity or external activity to divine activity then you really have to question yourself: “Am I living the ultimate vocation or purpose for which […]