George Washington’s Order Against (the vice of) Profanity

I found this little piece of paper among my father’s effects. It’s an abridged copy of General George Washington’s order against profanity in the army. It’s a potent reminder of how far of course our country has strayed and how coarse we have become as a nation. Radical groups with an agenda to destroy our […]
The Connection between Montessori and The Integrated Business Leader

A friend recently gave me an article written by Dr. Annette Haines. Dr Haines addresses the full spectrum of man’s development, from birth to adolescence and ultimately as a “cosmic agent” to order the earth to the good of all through actions in solidarity benefiting the common good. Why am I posting about Montessori? I discovered […]
The Irony of the Modern Day Nativity Scene in Bethlehem

Just two months ago I was at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The irony was that my experience there was just like that of a typical shopping mall the day before Christmas with huge lines, people cutting in and pushing their way forward to get there “first”. It was not a peaceful place […]
Work Courageously- A way to approach our days of labor
Courageously begin your work, always trying to discern your true task and the most amount of good that you can do, telling yourself that, whatever your vocation may be, there are always people suffering in mind or body to be cared for, tempers to be calmed, and hearts to be healed… During this active phase […]
Meme change needed, from “giving back” to simply “giving”

We really need to change the meme – “giving back” to simply “giving”. The term “giving back” implies that the person doing the giving back took something that wasn’t theirs from the start. Think about it. It starts from a young age. Do you remember hearing “GIVE THAT BACK!” after taking something from a sibling […]
How Virtuous is Your Firm?

The article entitled “How Virtuous is Your Firm?” written by Hershey H. Friedman and Linda Weiser Friedman in 2009 provides a basic checklist that can be used by your firm to determine whether or not it is “virtuous”. It’s not all encompassing, but it’s a great indicator to help you determine the general virtuousness of […]
The B-Corp, a great first step to balance social mission and profit

Maybe it’s the fact that Pope Francis is, well, the pope who by the position commands a world-wide microphone, that there was and still is such an outcry to his call for businesses to be more aware of the plight of the poor and to be better stewards of the earth. Pope Francis spoke at […]
Baa! Humbug

I have always loved Charles Dickens’s classic A Christmas Carol. I’ve got the book, seen many if not all of the film versions, including Jim Henson’s A Muppet Christmas Carol. Of course, books are always better as they cover the finer details that end up on the cutting room floor and not shown on the […]
Wheat is the staff of life for 1.2 billion people who live on less than US$ 2 a day

Written by Dr. Thomas Lumpkin , Director General, CIMMYT “The history of wheat is the history of civilization. Over 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, our ancestors ascended from an existence as hunter-gatherers and began tending and domesticating crops. Thus began wheat’s symbiotic relationship with the history of civilization and humankind’s responsibility as stewards […]