Enjoy the perturbation inside the crucible !

Crucible – noun ˈkrü-sə-bəl : is a place or situation in which different elements interact to produce something new. a difficult test or challenge. a place or situation that forces people to change or make difficult decisions. Attollo is a crucible for business leaders. It combines three elements; personal development, professional development and faith development […]
Find joy in your life in 90 seconds

Timers out? Ready, set, GO! We naturally desire the good things in life. God made these gifts for us to enjoy. However our desire for these gifts such as sex, food, wine, a house on the hill, a fast car gradually pull us away from the creator of those gifts. The gifts / objects in […]
Wheat is the staff of life for 1.2 billion people who live on less than US$ 2 a day

Written by Dr. Thomas Lumpkin , Director General, CIMMYT “The history of wheat is the history of civilization. Over 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, our ancestors ascended from an existence as hunter-gatherers and began tending and domesticating crops. Thus began wheat’s symbiotic relationship with the history of civilization and humankind’s responsibility as stewards […]
Vision: To eliminate human suffering
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Has Ambitious Goals for the United Nations. This should be the vision of every Christian Business Leader – to eliminate human suffering and to lift the world’s poor out of poverty. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is compelled to eliminate suffering because it’s the right thing to do of course. We Christian business leaders […]