Leadership – The Buck Stops Here Starts By Looking In The Mirror

The phrase – “The Buck Stops Here” was, per wiktionary.org , popularized by US president Harry Truman. The phrase is based on the metaphorical expression passing the buck, derived from poker gameplay, that came to mean “passing blame”, or absolving oneself of responsibility or concern by denying authority or jurisdiction over a given matter. I’d […]
Essential List of Books for Catholic Leaders to Read

Here is a list of what I consider to be essential reading for Catholic leaders. This is my shortlist of go-to books that I’ve assembled over the years. Since my work is tailored for Catholic business leaders I have created sections that we address in the Attollo program; Personal Development, Professional Mastery, and Spiritual Maturity. […]
The Importance of Mission

Contrary to some business guru’s out there lately I’m still a huge proponent of the importance of the mission statement. Your company mission statement defines its purpose, its “why”, its reason for being. It should tell yourself as a business owner, CEO or president, why the heck you get out of bed every morning and […]
Don’t Let The Fruit From The Global Leadership Summit Rot On The Vine

I attended the Global Leadership Summit #gls18 last Thursday and Friday at our parish St. Thomas More in Centennial, Colorado. The parish hosted the event locally via live feed / telecast. It was a great event with fourteen speakers who addressed a wide array of leadership topics. Attending The Global Leadership Summit was a good […]
How’s that annual plan working out for you so far this year?

Did you know that today is the first work day of the second half of the year? How are you progressing with the goals you set for EOY 2018? You may have fallen behind, forgotten where you put your planning worksheet or may have not have even done a basic planning exercise. Regardless of where […]
Leadership – The Buck Stops Here Starts By Looking In The Mirror

The phrase – “The Buck Stops Here” was, per wiktionary.org , popularized by US president Harry Truman. The phrase is based on the metaphorical expression passing the buck, derived from poker gameplay, that came to mean “passing blame”, or absolving oneself of responsibility or concern by denying authority or jurisdiction over a given matter. I’d […]
Executive Speaker Series – St Ignatius of Loyola

Our next guest in the Attollo Executive Speaker Series line up is St Ignatius of Loyola. He is the founder of the Society of Jesus (aka the Jesuits) and was born in 1491 in Spain. No stranger to danger on the battlefield or off – welcome St. Ignatius of Loyola! “So, business leaders of today, listen […]
Professionalism, Service and Holiness of Life & The Human Economy

The Meditation of the Day in the Magnificat on Thursday July 13th, 2017 started out with “Professionalism, Service and Holiness of Life: if we deviate from this trio, we shall fall from the greatness to which we are called.” This was a phrase taken by an address by Pope Francis to the Curia which is […]
You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees

I’ve grown to appreciate those timeless sayings that used to annoy me as a kid. You know what I’m talking about. Like: “A penny saved is a penny earned” from good ol’ Ben Franklin or “Fortune favors the bold” or “Actions speak louder than words.” I’ve come to understand the business application of many adages […]
Just when you think we’re making progress.
No, it’s not what you think! A friend shared a conversation she had with a colleague of hers earlier this week. The business she works at had a low performing employee who recently quit. My friend mentioned in passing to her colleague that this was a perfect opportunity to finally source and hire a […]