On Authentic Development

Less than 3 minutes read. Development in Proper Perspective Man’s personal and collective fulfillment could be jeopardized if the proper scale of values were not maintained. The pursuit of life’s necessities is quite legitimate; hence we are duty-bound to do the work which enables us to obtain them: “If anyone is unwilling to work, do […]
The World’s Most Dangerous Prayer

The world’s most dangerous prayer is this.. “Oh God, your servant is listening what is your will for me?” Most people may occasionally want to know what God’s will is for them, or if what they are currently doing in their life is actually what God wants them to be doing, but not too many […]
Professionalism, Service and Holiness of Life & The Human Economy

The Meditation of the Day in the Magnificat on Thursday July 13th, 2017 started out with “Professionalism, Service and Holiness of Life: if we deviate from this trio, we shall fall from the greatness to which we are called.” This was a phrase taken by an address by Pope Francis to the Curia which is […]
@Pontifex: Work is an instrument of peace

Work is so important for human dignity, for building up a family, for peace! — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) November 11, 2014
@pontifex – Pope Francis helping with my Attollo value proposition…

We cannot be part-time Christians! We should seek to live our faith at every moment of every day. — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) May 16, 2013
@Pontifex on business

How I wish everyone had decent work! It is essential for human dignity. — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) June 24, 2014
Pope Francis @Pontifex · May 29
“Every Christian can witness to God in the workplace, not only with words, but above all with an honest life.” A tweet from the Pontiff today.