Why We Don’t Do It.

You define the “it”, your goal. The primary reason we don’t do it- work toward a goal – is that the rewards of the goal are way out in the future, are not measurable, or even guaranteed while the disruption and pain of the change needed to achieve that goal are immediate. Who wants that?? […]
Got a Plan to Make Life Worth Living?

“Life is monotonous when it’s meaningless. Life is not monotonous when it has purpose.” This is the opening line in Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s book “Life is Worth Living.” The statement is so simple and so true. Yes – Life IS monotonous when there is no meaning when there is seemingly no point to it. Archbishop Sheen […]
How’s that annual plan working out for you so far this year?

Did you know that today is the first work day of the second half of the year? How are you progressing with the goals you set for EOY 2018? You may have fallen behind, forgotten where you put your planning worksheet or may have not have even done a basic planning exercise. Regardless of where […]
The Pleasure – Pain Principle and the Real Reason Nothing Changes in Our Lives

The pleasure – pain principle is simply that humans recoil from pain and run toward pleasure. That makes sense obviously. This principle is the primary reason we don’t work on our behaviors that we know we need in order to improve ourselves in all areas of life from weight loss, relationships, work, even our prayer life. […]
You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees

I’ve grown to appreciate those timeless sayings that used to annoy me as a kid. You know what I’m talking about. Like: “A penny saved is a penny earned” from good ol’ Ben Franklin or “Fortune favors the bold” or “Actions speak louder than words.” I’ve come to understand the business application of many adages […]
Years You Have Left to Live, Probably
Here’s a great time management tool to help inspire yourself to manage this resource (time) better than you probably do now. The screen shot of the animation demonstrates in a very graphic way the years one probably have left to live. Yes, I added the guy in the kayak – representing me – attempting to […]
The Myth of the Harvard Goal Setting Study

It just made too much sense not to be true! The oft-quoted Harvard Goal Setting Study stated that people who write down their goals are wildly more successful than those who do not. I’m a list guy myself from way back, so I have confirmed (to myself) the validity of this study in my own […]
You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack

You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack You may find yourself in another part of the world You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile You may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife You may ask yourself: well… how did I get here? – Once in […]
Attributes needed for success in achieving big goals

Brooke Raboutou is a young rock climber of prodigious ability. She set seven climbing records before she turned 12 years old. In this video, she outlines many attributes needed for anyone to achieve big goals. In her case, it’s conquering sheer vertical rock! What challenges are you facing that seems insurmountable? To summarize this 8-minute […]
How the enemy diverts you from righteous deeds and spoils them

For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers,with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. Eph. 6:12 Father Lorenzo Scupoli wrote ‘Il Combattimento spirituale’ originally published in 1589. It remains relevant in 2015 as he describes the spiritual battle that […]