We lie to ourselves because we’re afraid to take ourselves on.

“Deep down inside every one of us knows something’s twisted. Acknowledging that fact, refusing to run away from it and deciding to deal with it is the beginning of the only authentic life there is. All evil begins with a lie. The biggest evil comes from the biggest lies, and the biggest lies are the […]
Two Keys to Unlock Achievement in All Areas of Your Life

Two Keys to Unlock the Achievement in All Areas of Your Life 1. If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse. Call your excuse by the right name. The right name is : “No I won’t do __________ because __________”. Now you have something tangible to […]
Virtuous Leaders, needed…
Virtuous Leaders desire to do great things and strive toward great ends while also possessing the heart of a servant….a servant to their professional colleagues, family and social circles, fellow citizens and to the entire human family. Their noble ambitions are linked to serving others, not themselves. Virtuous leaders strive to create an environment that […]
Humans are made for community
Humans are made to live in community yet we tend fight with each other like siblings without parents.
The Noble Vocation of the Business Leader
A DIVIDED LIFE OR A LIFE OF INTEGRITY? You’ve probably heard of the phrase, “It’s nothing personal, it’s just business”. It’s credited to an accountant who worked for American organized crime in the early 1900’s. It’s probably something he said often to rationalize his accounting work in the world of crime. In that simple statement, […]
Theology Of Work
Read time: 2 minutes I’m reading the book “Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace” by Scott Hahn. In the book, Hahn explains the Theology of Work – something that is core to Attollo. He states that the Theology of Work makes the audacious claim that the work we do can get us to heaven – and redeem […]
Years You Have Left to Live, Probably
Here’s a great time management tool to help inspire yourself to manage this resource (time) better than you probably do now. The screen shot of the animation demonstrates in a very graphic way the years one probably have left to live. Yes, I added the guy in the kayak – representing me – attempting to […]
Remember what’s important in life!
Happy Ash Wednesday! Every business leader who joins Attollo receives their own “commemorative” jar of dirt. They place it on their desk at work as a daily reminder to re-order their priorities when faced with the difficult and conflicting demands of their faith, their families and their business. The jar is a daily Ash Wednesday […]
The Formula For Change in 2016 (or The “Who Moved My Cheese?” Formulation)

Executive Summary: The change you desire in life starts with you. Your destiny always has and always will be solely and completely your responsibility. You shouldn’t really be surprised by that! Your life as assessed by you is the sum total of all your choices up to right now. The great news is that if […]