Our Inability to Trust God

There’s a section in St. Paul’s letter to the Romans entitled “Children of God Through Adoption” which I never thought of much when I heard it or read it over the years. It took on a deep significance after my wife and I adopted two children 20 years ago. There’s a physical aspect of adoption, […]

Might as well face it… you’re addicted to love.

“Whoa, you like to think that you’re immune to the stuff, oh yeah. It’s closer to the truth to say you can’t get enough. You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to love.” – Robert Palmer “I want you to want me.I need you to need me.I’d love you to love me.” […]

How to Develop and Order An Active and Contemplative Life

The book - Soul of the Apostolate

The world is focused solely on productivity and efficiency, so it is kind of easy to think that the active life (work) is more important than the contemplative life (prayer). From an economic point of view, leisure is good because it allows us to “sharpen the saw” so that we can continue to be productive. […]

Executive Speaker Series – St. Catherine of Siena

Our very first guest in the Attollo Executive Speaker Series line up is St. Catherine of Siena, Italy. “Thank you!!  I want you to stop and to really listen and reflect on what I have to say for the next 5 minutes. It will change your life and I promise you won’t have to walk […]

The 11 Best Relationship Tips Ever

1. So what is friendship? Friendship in its minimal state is the encounter of one person with another person whose destiny he or she desires more than his or her own life.– Luigi Giussani 2. The measure of love is to love without measure.– St. Augustine 3. Do not forget that true love sets no conditions. […]

The Silent Ways That Show You Are Still An Orphan

An orphan in spirit

A five-year-old child bangs his head on the wall, screams, and wails to the depth of his soul. He rages against his siblings, and his parents, especially his mother. He enjoys destroying things that he knows are special to his family especially family-oriented celebrations like birthdays or Christmas and even routine things like dinner together […]

Demands to privatize your faith – sit down and zip it.

photo of a mouth with a zipper for lips

In his homily Thursday Jan 29th , Pope Francis says ecclesial elites who form cliques and scorn others are privatizing the faith and not following the way of Jesus and that the privatization of salvation is the wrong path. He went on to say that there are three criteria or reasons we cannot privatize our […]

Baa! Humbug

Painting of Scrooge and marley

I have always loved Charles Dickens’s classic A Christmas Carol. I’ve got the book, seen many if not all of the film versions, including Jim Henson’s A Muppet Christmas Carol. Of course, books are always better as they cover the finer details that end up on the cutting room floor and not shown on the […]

Find joy in your life in 90 seconds

Happy family in the park

Timers out? Ready, set, GO! We naturally desire the good things in life. God made these gifts for us to enjoy. However our desire for these gifts such as sex, food, wine, a house on the hill, a fast car gradually pull us away from the creator of those gifts. The gifts / objects in […]