A Love Driven Life

Two of our four children are adopted. One of our adopted children has what is been termed “reactive attachment disorder” or RAD. He lived his life in a Russian orphanage until he was five when we adopted him. During that time, he likely suffered from abuse and severe neglect. He learned to depend only on […]
Leading With Love

I’m considering a workshop for business leaders called “Leading With Love”. I believe the main question in response to this workshop is – How can my business leadership be founded in love when I have to make real-world tough decisions? Won’t leadership that’s rooted in love make me look weak, make me a pushover? If […]
Business – What’s love got to do with it?

“The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” This joke has been attributed to a variety of comedians over the years. And the thing about comedy is that there’s always an element of truth to it. A rat race is a pointless pursuit in business that consists […]
John Lennon’s Imagine and the Reality of the Human Race

“Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today. ” Imagine by John Lennon So what went wrong with John’s Imagined world? Our society embodies that song today . Humans have always lived for today but in our post-Christendom times […]
The Conditional Kindness Culture

“Be Kind” – I see those words on t-shirts, on wrist bands, on bumper stickers, on chalkboards at restaurants, and in commercials. Maybe it’s “Be Kind” or as single word “Kindness”. The intent of this current age credo is genuine. Isn’t it intriguing however that to implore others to be kind to others actually needs […]
What’s Love Got To Do With It (Business)?

What does love got to do with it? Isn’t it just a second-hand emotion? It’s more. Admittedly, love is a flaky topic for hard-nosed business leaders. Actually, it’s flaky for 99.9% of all business leaders. This includes the Catholic leader, the target reader of this blog and who should inherently know that love should be […]
No Peace, No God. No God, No Love

A peaceful heart is receptive to the action and movement of the spirit. “The devil is ever solicitous to banish peace from your mind, knowing well that God only dwells there in peace and that it is in peace that he works his wonders.” Saint Francis de Sales said the same thing to one of […]
Simon Sinek’s Brief Video Supports One of the Dimensions of Catholic Social Teaching

It’s great to see Simon Sinek slowly “discovering” the greatest secret of the Catholic Church. He’s touching on one of the dimensions of…. shhhhh….. this thing called Catholic social teaching! A business is a community of people. Leadership in all companies have a responsibility to uphold the dignity of their employees. Every person has value, […]
How to Upgrade Your Life

If you have no more than 3 seconds today then cutting to the chase – just follow this – “Love what God loves, hate what he hates.” If you have 1 minute then read the rest from St. Catherine of Siena. She was on a tear… don’t let her call you stupid!! “Oh boundless […]
Who does God say you are?

Who does God say you are? Here’s a hint. In the last chapter of the Gospel of John. There’s what has got to be a very awkward meeting between Peter and Jesus on the shore of the Sea of Tiberius. At least for Peter. They meet for the first time since Peter boastfully stated that […]