Leadership – The Buck Stops Here Starts By Looking In The Mirror

The phrase – “The Buck Stops Here” was, per wiktionary.org , popularized by US president Harry Truman. The phrase is based on the metaphorical expression passing the buck, derived from poker gameplay, that came to mean “passing blame”, or absolving oneself of responsibility or concern by denying authority or jurisdiction over a given matter. I’d […]
Business – What’s love got to do with it?

“The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” This joke has been attributed to a variety of comedians over the years. And the thing about comedy is that there’s always an element of truth to it. A rat race is a pointless pursuit in business that consists […]
George Washington’s Order Against (the vice of) Profanity

I found this little piece of paper among my father’s effects. It’s an abridged copy of General George Washington’s order against profanity in the army. It’s a potent reminder of how far of course our country has strayed and how coarse we have become as a nation. Radical groups with an agenda to destroy our […]
We Catholics need to renew what the Arabs call asabiyya, or solidarity of purpose.

I just read an interesting essay by Lee Smith, that explains why the Taliban beat America. He said “There is no mystery about why the U.S. experience in Afghanistan ended in failure, embarrassment, and scandal. Nor is it a mystery why the Taliban took over Kabul so quickly. They were fighting for primacy. Their victory […]
Essential List of Books for Catholic Leaders to Read

Here is a list of what I consider to be essential reading for Catholic leaders. This is my shortlist of go-to books that I’ve assembled over the years. Since my work is tailored for Catholic business leaders I have created sections that we address in the Attollo program; Personal Development, Professional Mastery, and Spiritual Maturity. […]
The One Thing Every Employee Hates in a Boss

There are many attributes of great leadership, such as integrity, possessing high emotional intelligence, helping others to become leaders, and the ability to communicate effectively – to name just a few. Yet, there is one thing, one common attribute that every employee the world over hates in a boss. It’s their lack of love of […]
Do you live the Virtuous Leader’s Credo?

I bring out the greatness of others. I pull rather than push. I teach rather than command. I inspire rather than berate. I empower people and draw out that which lies within them. I take pleasure in being of service and cultivating altruistic motives. I practice inclusion. I solicit, acknowledge, and make use of the contributions […]
Catholic business leaders are called to step up, to be different.

We need to continually and intentionally strive to set ourselves apart from other business leaders. The difference in the way we act at work and in society shouldn’t be construed as anything other than what we are commanded to be by God which is to be holy. This call to holiness is certainly a different […]
What exactly is our vocation as business leaders? We’ve been shown the way!

The mission we have been given as business leaders is no different than any other person and that is to strive, to make spiritual progress, and to become saints. God knows we need more leaders in all sectors of life who strive to be saints. If you want to change the world, that change starts […]
This is what you might have done in life had you trusted me more.

Imagine an athlete who had just hired a trainer and then told the new trainer that he wanted to train just enough to be somewhere in the middle of the pack when compared to all the other athletes and in fact, he was only going to make a half-hearted effort. That trainer would think he […]