Why Attollo Exists

Why does Attollo exist? We all naturally try to live a divided life, a life where we neatly compartmentalize our lives into buckets marked “faith”, “family” and “work”. We desperately try to keep those buckets away from each other. God in His wisdom finds a way to combine those buckets into one marked “integrated life”, […]
The Great Divorce Between Our Faith Life & Work Life

There was a great divorce centuries ago between our faith life and our work life. They cited irreconcilable differences as the reason. The fall out since has been ugly. The mission of these two important aspects of our life seems to be diametrically opposed to one another. So rather than try to reconcile those differences […]
The Very Real-Life Struggle to Live an Integrated Life

So, for clarity sake, the opposite of the term “integrated life” is a divided life. The divided life is made clear by the very real struggle within ourselves that St. Paul called out in Romans 8,12-17. He said that we live two lives within one body. There is the life we live that is a […]
Saint Joseph the Business Owner

There are a number of theories about the work life of Saint Joseph. Most often we associate him with carpentry due to Matthew 13:53 and Mark 6:3 “Is not this the carpenter’s son?” The Greek word is “Teckton” which means builder. So some have concluded he was more of a hands on general contractor, a […]
Do Nice Guys Finish Last?

“Nice guys finish last.” This is what the parents of my girlfriend when I was in college told me. I didn’t know how to articulate the conflicted feeling I had when they dumped that bit of wisdom on me. I was then and still am a “nice guy” so there was no ducking this flaming […]