Today is the Feast Day of Saint Homobonus, Patron of Business.

Saint Homobonus had some aliases. He is also known by the names: Homobonius Homobonus Tucingo Omobono Omobono Tucenghi – his name at birth Uomobuono His name is pronounced oh-mow-bow-noose. The letter H is silent in Latin. Mow as in mow the yard, bow as in bow-tie! He was born in Cremona, Italy in the 12th […]
Today is the Feast Day of Saint Homobonus, Patron of Business.

Saint Homobonus had some aliases. He is also known by the names: Homobonius Homobonus Tucingo Omobono Omobono Tucenghi – his name at birth Uomobuono He was born in Cremona, Italy in the 12th century. Cremona is about 60 miles SE of Milan. Saint Homobonus (pronouned Oma’bonus) which is derived from the Latin homo bonus (“good […]

Isn’t it ironic that the Gospel on the first Sunday of Advent ends with the word “Watch!”? In context Jesus is telling his disciples to be watchful, be alert. “Watch, therefore; you don’t know when the lord of the house is coming… May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping. What I say to […]
Today is the feast day of Saint Homobonus – Patron Saint of Business Owners

St. Homobonus (Homa’bun-us) is the patron saint of business owners. He was born and also died in the city of Cremona, Italy during the 12th century. He’s portrayed holding a bag of money wearing merchant’s robes. He was canonized less than two years after his death by Pope Innocent III in 1199. Not much is known […]
Run to Wisdom

Easter Sunday’s gospel reading was an interesting one. All three characters in John’s account, of the morning of the resurrection, were running. Mary of Magdala ran to Peter when she discovered Christ’s tomb was empty. Then John and Peter ran to the tomb after Mary of Magdala explained what she saw there. Yes, yes, John […]
Prepare for Lent by concentrating the strongest defense where your ramparts are weakest

The best way to prepare for Lent, about 30 days from now, is not to decide what to give up as if you were 9 years old, but how you are going to send Satan packing. Father John Tauler +1361 wrote that “when evil comes roaring upon poor, weak men, they instantly fall down helpless […]
The Irony of the Modern Day Nativity Scene in Bethlehem

Just two months ago I was at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The irony was that my experience there was just like that of a typical shopping mall the day before Christmas with huge lines, people cutting in and pushing their way forward to get there “first”. It was not a peaceful place […]
Have Yourself an Intentional Little Christmas
We’re barreling headlong into what should be a very holy and peace filled season. Instead, however, most Christians go into hyper-drive, like everyone else, starting with Thanksgiving preparations, then we jump to black Friday deals (on Thanksgiving evening) and then blast right to and through Christmas ending up exhausted without ever thinking about or acknowledging […]
Remember what’s important in life!
Happy Ash Wednesday! Every business leader who joins Attollo receives their own “commemorative” jar of dirt. They place it on their desk at work as a daily reminder to re-order their priorities when faced with the difficult and conflicting demands of their faith, their families and their business. The jar is a daily Ash Wednesday […]
Baa! Humbug

I have always loved Charles Dickens’s classic A Christmas Carol. I’ve got the book, seen many if not all of the film versions, including Jim Henson’s A Muppet Christmas Carol. Of course, books are always better as they cover the finer details that end up on the cutting room floor and not shown on the […]