Just when you think we’re making progress.
No, it’s not what you think! A friend shared a conversation she had with a colleague of hers earlier this week. The business she works at had a low performing employee who recently quit. My friend mentioned in passing to her colleague that this was a perfect opportunity to finally source and hire a […]
Humans are made for community
Humans are made to live in community yet we tend fight with each other like siblings without parents.
The Noble Vocation of the Business Leader
A DIVIDED LIFE OR A LIFE OF INTEGRITY? You’ve probably heard of the phrase, “It’s nothing personal, it’s just business”. It’s credited to an accountant who worked for American organized crime in the early 1900’s. It’s probably something he said often to rationalize his accounting work in the world of crime. In that simple statement, […]
Meme change needed, from “giving back” to simply “giving”

We really need to change the meme – “giving back” to simply “giving”. The term “giving back” implies that the person doing the giving back took something that wasn’t theirs from the start. Think about it. It starts from a young age. Do you remember hearing “GIVE THAT BACK!” after taking something from a sibling […]
How Virtuous is Your Firm?

The article entitled “How Virtuous is Your Firm?” written by Hershey H. Friedman and Linda Weiser Friedman in 2009 provides a basic checklist that can be used by your firm to determine whether or not it is “virtuous”. It’s not all encompassing, but it’s a great indicator to help you determine the general virtuousness of […]
The B-Corp, a great first step to balance social mission and profit

Maybe it’s the fact that Pope Francis is, well, the pope who by the position commands a world-wide microphone, that there was and still is such an outcry to his call for businesses to be more aware of the plight of the poor and to be better stewards of the earth. Pope Francis spoke at […]
Demands to privatize your faith – sit down and zip it.

In his homily Thursday Jan 29th , Pope Francis says ecclesial elites who form cliques and scorn others are privatizing the faith and not following the way of Jesus and that the privatization of salvation is the wrong path. He went on to say that there are three criteria or reasons we cannot privatize our […]
@Pontifex: Work is an instrument of peace

Work is so important for human dignity, for building up a family, for peace! — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) November 11, 2014
Find joy in your life in 90 seconds

Timers out? Ready, set, GO! We naturally desire the good things in life. God made these gifts for us to enjoy. However our desire for these gifts such as sex, food, wine, a house on the hill, a fast car gradually pull us away from the creator of those gifts. The gifts / objects in […]
Wheat is the staff of life for 1.2 billion people who live on less than US$ 2 a day

Written by Dr. Thomas Lumpkin , Director General, CIMMYT “The history of wheat is the history of civilization. Over 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, our ancestors ascended from an existence as hunter-gatherers and began tending and domesticating crops. Thus began wheat’s symbiotic relationship with the history of civilization and humankind’s responsibility as stewards […]