I Need A New Money

I just heard the song “I Need A New Money“ by Andy Grammer. While listening to the lyrics, I heard the mission of Attollo being sung! “I Need A New Money” makes a strong case for the value we, as a culture, place on money over the human person. His song challenges the listener that […]
What Most People Say Just Before They Die

I ran across an interesting article recently about what people say as they prepare to die. It summarized an interview by Health Digest, with leading palliative care and hospice specialist, Dr. Simran Malhotra. She shares firsthand how her patients have influenced the way she leads her own life in hopes it will inspire others to do […]
Never, ever trust a communist.

The axiom I grew up with and still live by is this: Never ever trust a Marxist, Communist or Socialist. The Chinese are much more adept than the Russians at adapting the precepts of Communism / Marxism to today’s economic reality. As Lenin predicted years before, they’ve had plenty of help from American capitalists specifically […]
Amusing Ourselves to Death – Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business

I recently bought an old book published in 1985 called “Amusing ourselves to Death – Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business.” The author, Neil Postman, compared and contrasted two dystopian futures in which totalitarian governments seize the individual rights of their citizens in different ways. He distinguishes the George “Orwellian” vision of the […]
John Lennon’s Imagine and the Reality of the Human Race

“Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today. ” Imagine by John Lennon So what went wrong with John’s Imagined world? Our society embodies that song today . Humans have always lived for today but in our post-Christendom times […]
The Conditional Kindness Culture

“Be Kind” – I see those words on t-shirts, on wrist bands, on bumper stickers, on chalkboards at restaurants, and in commercials. Maybe it’s “Be Kind” or as single word “Kindness”. The intent of this current age credo is genuine. Isn’t it intriguing however that to implore others to be kind to others actually needs […]
How many slaves work for you?

I have 55 slaves working for me. There are fifty-five people somewhere in the world who spend their days making many of the products in my house….and I consider myself on the minimalist side! That’s a disturbing revelation. As a Catholic business leader, it should be disturbing to you too. I’ve posted a link to […]
Simon Sinek’s Brief Video Supports One of the Dimensions of Catholic Social Teaching

It’s great to see Simon Sinek slowly “discovering” the greatest secret of the Catholic Church. He’s touching on one of the dimensions of…. shhhhh….. this thing called Catholic social teaching! A business is a community of people. Leadership in all companies have a responsibility to uphold the dignity of their employees. Every person has value, […]
The Connection between Montessori and The Integrated Business Leader

A friend recently gave me an article written by Dr. Annette Haines. Dr Haines addresses the full spectrum of man’s development, from birth to adolescence and ultimately as a “cosmic agent” to order the earth to the good of all through actions in solidarity benefiting the common good. Why am I posting about Montessori? I discovered […]
As you prepare for the upcoming work week – be sure to watch your mouth! Speak No Evil

As you prepare for the upcoming work-week – be sure to watch your mouth. SPEAK NO EVIL And that means you! “Guard against foul talk; let your words be for the improvement of others, as occasion offers, and do good to your listeners, otherwise you will only be grieving the Holy Spirit of God who […]