The Church Fathers can help us rediscover the beauty of Christmas

The early Church Fathers, holy saints of the 5th century, can help us rediscover the beauty of Christmas that ironically we sometimes miss during the Christmas season! Come, then, let us observe the Feast. Truly wondrous is the whole chronicle of the Nativity. For this day the ancient slavery is ended, the devil confounded, the […]
Today is the feast day of Saint Homobonus – Patron Saint of Business Owners

St. Homobonus (Homa’bun-us) is the patron saint of business owners. He was born and also died in the city of Cremona, Italy during the 12th century. He’s portrayed holding a bag of money wearing merchant’s robes. He was canonized less than two years after his death by Pope Innocent III in 1199. Not much is known […]
The Meaning of “Repent”

Here’s a unique way to think of the word “repent”. It means to delve into your heart and start to work on removing your disordered attachments, one at a time, to make room for God to dwell in it. St. Augustine asked very early in his auto-biography “The Confessions” – “Is there any room in […]
As you prepare for the upcoming week – be a good shepherd.

Today, May 7th, is Good Shepherd Sunday. You as a business leader are both sheep and shepherd, a follower and leader. You are a sheep per John 10: 1-10 in that you hear and recognize Christ’s voice and follow Him versus following what the world says is key for your to attain happiness. You are […]
Do Monday Morning’s Feel Like Getting Shot Out of a Cannon?

Sunday afternoon, toward evening, is when many people feel that internal spring in their gut start to tighten in preparation for the inevitable Monday morning alarm clock. Even throughout the week, if someone asks me how things are going, I tell them I feel like I was shot out of a cannon. Fast start, up […]
Have Yourself an Intentional Little Christmas
We’re barreling headlong into what should be a very holy and peace filled season. Instead, however, most Christians go into hyper-drive, like everyone else, starting with Thanksgiving preparations, then we jump to black Friday deals (on Thanksgiving evening) and then blast right to and through Christmas ending up exhausted without ever thinking about or acknowledging […]
Remember what’s important in life!
Happy Ash Wednesday! Every business leader who joins Attollo receives their own “commemorative” jar of dirt. They place it on their desk at work as a daily reminder to re-order their priorities when faced with the difficult and conflicting demands of their faith, their families and their business. The jar is a daily Ash Wednesday […]
Go Slow To Go Fast – Escriva 822-830

St. JoseMaria Escriva – The Way 822 You tell me: when the chance comes to do something big, then!… Then? Are you seriously trying to convince me — and to convince yourself — that you will be able to win in the supernatural Olympics without daily preparation, without training? 823 Have you seen how that […]
(Lack of) Catechesis Got Your Tongue?

Here’s a Latin pearl of wisdom: Nemo dat quod non habet or translated “No one gives what he doesn’t have.” If I am a lukewarm Catholic, I can’t raise a saint. Without continual catechesis I won’t have the ardor, the fire, the passion, needed to transmit the faith to others in my family, at work […]