We're Growing - Become An Attollo Chair!

Attollo is growing and looking for Catholic business leaders to become team chairs across the United States to develop and maintain a for-profit practice within the Attollo organization as an independent contractor.

Attollo forms Catholic business leaders so they can fully live out their vocation and realize a greater vision — to live an integrated & authentic life in the service of God. Attollo is a trusted Catholic community of business owners, presidents and CEOs who desire to achieve both a higher level of sanctity and success in business through a combination of a peer-advisory groups and one on one business coaching. We develop and deliver real world business strategies that are rooted in Catholic social teaching. 

An Attollo Chair:

  • Is a highly competent, exceptional Catholic business leader with a passion for seeing others succeed and grow in sanctity and business.
  • Possesses a basic, solid foundation of the Catholic faith and is on his or her own path to greater sanctity. 
  • Is an individual with a history of success as a senior executive business leader or business owner experience. 
  • Is a coach to their team, assisting them in their personal and professional development. 
  • Is a skilled and disciplined meeting facilitator who can start and end meetings on time while ensuring all members participate in rich, meaningful conversation.
  • Is a marketer and salesperson who can build and maintain a team of Catholic business owners, presidents and CEOs.

The Attollo system is designed to be turn-key. Attollo provides the systems, the coaching platform, the monthly agenda and content to run a team. The team chair develops their local market in order to build a great team of 10-12 members. The Attollo Chair will invest in local marketing efforts and conduct discovery meetings to build their team.

Compensation is commensurate with the size of the team.

This role is not just a job. It should be considered a vocation. A calling from God. 

Are you ready to be an Attollo Team Chair?

Call Paul Winkler - Founder of Attollo @ 720 727 0300 x800 or send a message below.