Portrait of smiling factory worker leaning on production line

Jesus Christ visits businesses run by Catholics – On the next episode of Undercover Boss!

Undercover Boss is a reality TV show where a business owner, CEO, president dons a disguise and works alongside front line employees in an effort to remind themselves of what the business looks like from the vantage point of employees, and others who interact with that business. They (the owner, CEO, or president) often find that the business they imagine and the actual day to day practices going on within the business are very far apart. Of course the discoveries by the “undercover boss” and the great reveal is what makes for great TV! 

Christ as undercover boss

So imagine for a moment that Christ came down from heaven, in disguise, to visit your business. After working for a few days along-side your employees, and also talking to your clients and vendors, would He be able to deduce that you were Catholic based on His experience of your company culture?

What would you say to your undercover boss during the great reveal? I’m guessing that kind of reality would probably not make great TV. 

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