What would Christ discover if he was a secret shopper who dropped in on your business? Would he be able to report back to you that the culture, values, processes, and the way your leadership interacts with your employees and how your employees interact with each other, with your suppliers and customers, and the community, reflect the tenants of Catholic Social Teaching – all which are rooted in the Bible?
If not, what would Christ discover? Whether His discoveries about your business were good, bad or just average, as the business owner, president or CEO, it’s all on you. You define your business from top to bottom.
Saint James said (James 2: 14-17) that faith by itself, if has no works is dead. We can have faith in Christ, but if your faith in Christ is not turned into action (works), then it means that your faith doesn’t make it out of the narthex as you make your way out of the church after Mass.