Judas & Jesus taken by Paul Winker @ The Scala Sancta  - Rome

Betrayed by a kiss. Now that’s low!

Satan has a way of knowing how to get us at our lowest moments and where it will hurt us the most. He does his “best” (worst) work by finding the most painful memory or personal interaction to use against us to try and destroy us emotionally then spiritually. The people closest to us can hurt us the most deeply. Satan knows this and uses it often to his advantage.

On Holy Thursday Jesus witnesses his disciples having yet another dispute about who among them was to be regarded as the greatest. The first discussion was during his ministry found in Luke 9:46, then again just before the last Passover meal. (Luke 22:24). He already knew Peter would deny knowing him three times later that same day even though Peter boastfully said he would lay down his life for Jesus. Judas, the treasurer who was already stealing from the group, had his plans all set up to turn Him over to His enemies even as they ate together.

This all occurs after he calls them friends – “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing: but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15). It’s after when he commanded that they love one another (John 15: 17). It’s after when he demonstrated to all of them quite physically the meaning of being a servant leader by washing their feet. (John 13:1-11)

Talk about having a bad day and second-guessing your hiring skills for building a leadership team. It gets worse though!

We read in John 13:21-27, that Jesus foretells his betrayal by Judas who at that time Satan had already entered. We find out how Jesus was betrayed later in Luke 22:48 and Matthew 26: 48-49 – with a kiss. A kiss! A kiss is the most intimate outward sign or expression of what’s going on in the heart of someone for another. Judas uses a kiss to identify to the mob whom to arrest, all while hiding his true contempt for Christ – what a classic Satan move! Christ sees the irony. “Judas, would you betray the Son of man with a kiss?” Luke 22:48 He’s kind of saying “Judas, can you stoop any lower?” Satan had to be laughing with delight.


How often do we “kiss” Jesus as Judas did?
How often do we go through the motions but are not really all that close to Christ? We hopefully don’t have that same outright contempt for Christ that Judas had but perhaps our being lukewarm is worse. “So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3:16)

How often do we pray, attend Mass, receive communion, go to confession, begrudgingly give money to charity or actively do any of the corporal works of mercy – but not truly being in those moments, nor feel his presence, doing those things without joy?

How often to we “kiss Christ”, but not really mean it?

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