Purgative - Party on Beach

So What Is Friendship ?

My wife and I attended the wedding of a good friend of our daughter. The program had the following quote about friendship printed on the back, entitled “What is Friendship?”. I’ve never read this before. It’s a great reference to the kind of relationship a couple should have before entering into the sacrament of matrimony. The definition is the antithesis of how love (or friendship) is defined in our world today.

giussani“So what is friendship? Friendship in its minimal state, is the encounter of one person with another person whose destiny he or she desires more than his or her own life. I desire your destiny more than I desire my life.  The other reciprocates this and desires my destiny more than his or her life.  Friendship is like this, and the proof that this is true is that you’d want anyone you’d meet in the diversity of circumstances to understand this, so that everyone would embrace each other. Those who do not experience this must humbly ask the Lord and the Blessed Mother to make it understood to them, because without this, not even the relationship with God is true.”

Is It Possible to Live This Way?  Vol.1 Faith – Luigi Giussani

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