Attollo's Board of Advisors

Dan Burke

President at Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation / Former President/Chief Operating Officer, EWTN News Inc

Leo Clarke

General Counsel-Senior Litigator in Federal and State Courts

Richard Jusseaume

Emeritus President, Walsh University

Fr. Eamon Kelly

Vice Director of the Magdala Center - Migdal, Israel

Catholic business leaders are good for society

Dr. Michael J. Naughton

Director, Center for Catholic Studies- University of St. Thomas

Bill Newland

Chairman, Hercules Industries, Inc. – Denver, CO

Karel Sovak - Catholi cbusiness leadership development

Karel Sovak

Dean - Gary Tharaldson School of Business University of Mary

Andreas Widmer

Director of the Art & Carlyse Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship - Catholic University of America

Attollo's Spiritual Director
Father Keller OP is the spiritual director of Attollo

Father Robert Keller O.P.

Chaplain & Adjunct Professor of Theology at Aquinas College