If prayer isn’t part of your daily routine, start today by building it into your daily activities. As a Catholic, prayer should be as much a part of us as breathing but for many the day takes over the minute we wake up as thoughts flood into our head about what needs to be done today. If you don’t intentionally build God into your day, you will unintentionally wall Him out out of your day and ultimate from your life. It happens little by little then suddenly you have given God a 45 minute time slot in your calendar on Sunday called Mass. For 2/3 of Catholics even that time slot is labeled “tentative” or “maybe” in case some better opportunity comes up which most often it does.
I’m a fan of small incremental changes that, over time, can make a big impact on life. So today, right now, If you are not praying at all, when you wake up, just thank God for the day, for your life and ask how you can serve Him today. Whew…that took 5 seconds. Felt good didn’t it? Once your first thought of the day is about God, the next step is to say a small prayer about something you are grateful for in your life. That took another 30 seconds!
Now you are making an inroad to extemporaneous prayer or a natural conversation with God. He’s your creator, loves you boundlessly and is waiting to have a chat with you.
Watch that first step. It’s a doozy!