43261594_400wVirtuous Leaders desire to do great things and strive toward great ends while also possessing the heart of a servant….a servant to their professional colleagues, family and social circles, fellow citizens and to the entire human family. Their noble ambitions are linked to serving others, not themselves.

Virtuous leaders strive to create an environment that allows others to achieve their own greatness. They push others up, not pull them down. They possess the capacity to make the right decisions and the courage to endure and to stay the course over time. Finally, virtuous leaders can lead themselves by controlling their own passions – they’ve developed a mastery of their hearts and minds.

These attributes are all interconnected and are directed toward the common good of society and upholding the dignity of the human person. A virtuous leader makes decisions considering the impact of that decision on the person’s around them whether they are local, regional, national or global.

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